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Piano Keys

Annabella Stephens

Piano Teacher


  • Bachelor of Music | University of Waikato, New Zealand

  • Associate Performance Diploma | NZMEB

About Annabella

Although an Australian by birth, Annabella spent most of her life growing up in Whanganui, New Zealand, and has been educated and inspired by some of the country's finest classical musicians. She completed her Diploma AmusNZ in performance piano in 2016 under the tutelage of Ingrid Culliford (MNZM), followed by a BMus with First Class Honours at the University of Waikato, studying with NZ pianist Katherine Austin.


Annabella has a special interest in performing solo keyboard works from the Baroque and Classical Period on the modern piano, particularly those of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. In 2022 she played in the finals of the postgraduate category of the University’s inaugural Bach competition. Annabella also has a keen interest in languages, having attained a Graduate Diploma in French from the University of Waikato. Since 2020 she has dedicated time to exploring the Feldenkrais method for finding strength and comfort at the piano, as well as focus and self-awareness in everyday life. 

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